
Building relationships
with Laurent combalbert
69€ TTC
Including all masterclasses, logbooks and IPC test©.
in video (2h28)
f self-knowledge enables self-improvement, and self-confidence enables self-assertion, then confidence in relationships enables us to build the collective. We cannot act alone, even when it comes to self-assertion.
To achieve our ambitions, we need to be a collective: we’ll need to ask for advice, we’ll need to ask for funding, we’ll need to recruit collaborators to assist us with our professional projects. We’ll need to mobilize our friends and family to assist us with our personal projects.

We are a collective, because we are social beings, pack animals, and we need to surround ourselves with people we trust and who trust us.
This masterclass is part of the unlimited offer at €69 incl. VAT.
Contents of
the masterclass
You’ll find the content of each lesson as well as exercises and a bibliography for further reading, available to download in pdf format.
complet Programme
1/ Developing your relational intelligence
In this lesson, we’ll look at how to develop our relational intelligence so that we can build quality relationships. You’ll learn how to establish a link between two or more people, how to make yourself available to the other person, and how to ensure that each person finds his or her place in this relationship of trust.
2/ Practising influential communication
Influencing means modifying another person’s behavior and influencing what they do and think in an open and transparent way. This lesson will enable you to be influential in your relationship with another person, without falling into the trap of manipulation and deceitful maneuvers to get what you want.
3/ Practising empathic communication
In this lesson, we’ll look at how to show genuine empathy without falling into the excessive emotional commitment that is sympathy. You’ll be able to understand the phenomena of apathy and antipathy, so you can avoid them and be perceived by others as a trustworthy interlocutor.
4/ Practising assertive communication
In this lesson, we’ll analyze assertiveness, which defines the ability to defend our opinions, values and positions while respecting those of others. You’ll learn to assert yourself with commitment and determination, defending your rights while accepting those of others and building a common goal with them.
5/ Seeking conflict
In this lesson, we’ll see how to develop our appetite for conflict, to accept disagreement and turn it into a factor in creating added value. At the end of this lesson, you will be able to propose rules of conduct in situations of disagreement and engage stakeholders in the search for a mutually satisfactory solution.
6/ Developing your circle of trust
This lesson is devoted to strengthening your circle of trust. Knowing how to surround yourself with people is essential to achieving your ambitions and bringing your projects to fruition. We’ll see that you need to know how to surround yourself with the best people to be effective, and the best people aren’t the most competent in a whole host of fields, they’re the loyal friends who tell you what’s important and right for you.
7/ Accepting criticism and the gaze of others
Comparing ourselves is not a problem: we need it to progress and to strive for superior competence. But like everything else, comparison and the way others see you is what you make of it, and this lesson will give you the keys to accepting criticism constructively and transforming it into positive energy.
8/ Knowing how to ask questions
This lesson will show you how to ask the right questions and get information quickly and effectively. You’ll learn the basic techniques of “questiology”, clearly identifying your objective in order to have a congruent intention.
9/Dealing with bad faith
Bad faith is a common attitude in interpersonal relationships and is difficult to manage. This lesson will show you how to put your ego aside to avoid over-reacting, and how to apply the principle of reality to offer a way out to those who show bad faith.
10/ Dealing with aggression
This lesson is dedicated to managing aggression. You’ll see how to use the technique of dissociation of emotion and behavior to “bring down” an aggressive person, while prohibiting violent and dangerous behavior.
11/ Dealing with a pervert
Faced with the maneuvers and manipulations of a pervert, you need to be well prepared, both mentally and technically. In this lesson, we’ll show you how to spot a pervert and how to deal with him/her to limit his/her hold and get out of a toxic relationship.
12/ A priori or a posteriori confidence
We often want to trust, but we don’t want to be fooled. In this lesson, we’ll compare a priori trust and a posteriori trust, so that we can adapt our way of giving trust to different situations and interlocutors.
This masterclass is part of the Unlimited Offer priced at €69 incl. VAT, including logbooks and profile tests.


This masterclass is part of the Unlimited Offer priced at 69€ incl. VAT, including logbooks and profile tests.
The other masterclasses
Get to
know yourself
Get to
know yourself
Building confidence
to assert yourself
Building confidence
to assert yourself

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